Brussels Games Festival

Photo credit: Ludiris asbl

I spent a few years, between 2013 and 2016, as a member of Ludiris, a non-profit association committed to organising a board games festival in Brussels. I was responsible for developing the event website and engaging with the Dutch and English board gaming communities. We observed a significant rise in attendance over three years, going from about two thousand to roughly ten thousand. In order to cope with this significant growth, I designed a website using Middleman, a static site generator tool. It met our multilingual needs and offered a fast and efficient website.

A screenshot of the 2015 website of Brussels Games Festival
Brussels Games Festival 2015 website
A screenshot of the 2016 website of Brussels Games Festival
Brussels Games Festival 2016 website
Picture of the Brussels Games Festival 2016 edition
Picture of the Brussels Games Festival 2016 edition
Picture of the Brussels Games Festival 2016 edition
Picture of the Brussels Games Festival 2016 edition