European Digital Rights (EDRi) is an association of various organisations who aim to “defend rights and freedoms in the digital environment”. They just published a wonderful guide with practical tips and information about common practices to avoid in web development.
As website developers have to cope at the same time with the increasing expectations of users and the limited resources most organisations devote to website development, there is a growing tendency to use more external services and resources. For example, it has become more and more common for web developers to take “free” resources, such as fonts and scripts and use them on the websites that they design. While these are “free” for the developer, they can have undesirable side effects for the users and the organisations that provide the website.
I found out for example that my website was not yet using the no-cookie mode for Youtube videos by default. And I discovered that the tool for my website even provides some standard settings to comply with GDPR. Neat!
Download the full guide on the EDRi website.